5 Ways to Lose Weight

Many people not confident when their weight getting higher and higher everyday. It make us kind a paranoid, feels like everybody looking at us even actually no body even care about it. However by decreasing our weight it can give our confident back. There is no doubt, there are so many ways to lose our weight especially diet, yoga etc. This time I choose some simple and easy ways to do. Here are some popular activity with simple instructions that claim to success.
  1.  Sport
    This is always become a good choice to lose our weight, less side effect because it is natural activity. Even though we should consider which sport it match with our body condition. Bad sport choice also can risk our hearth, but I'm sure every one can easily knows it which sport they have to do. Just for a recommendation, I suggest to do walk only. Walk around two or three per day will be good and match with most body condition and so less risk to take.
  2. Say No to Junk Food
    Junk food it has so high calorie it can increasing our weight fast. So many doctors recommending to do not eat it too much. It doesn't mean we are not allowed to eat it but do eat it in a good proportional. If you have bad behavior about eat too much junk food daily then from now you can start to decrease it.
  1. Avoid Soda
    Soda has high calorie around 250 per bottle. If you like soda, then better start to change it to water. Water is what our body need, not soda. Drink 8 glass per day are very recommend by doctor to keep our metabolism work balance.

  2. Think
    Think means turn on our brain activity, it's mean also can burn our calorie. Look at to Albert Einstein's weight it has weight balance because he used to think everyday. So many formula on his head which need to use to investigate any mystery of universe. However Albert Einstein in this part I guess is too much and not so quite relevant, but please enjoy it.
  3. Last Method
    If you do those tips above and still doesn't work, then this is the last suggestion 90% it works with money back warranty. Go find and ask doctor what you should do to lose your weight fast.If you can please avoid any surgery, always choose a natural way for less risk and a better body appearance result  If still doesn't work, then ask your money back to that doctor. Thanks

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