Sites That Will Buy Your Articles

Money comes with smart and creative thought which need skills in many part. Only by telling your stories, tutorials, ideas even jokes are very welcome. But not that easy, experiences is one of key to walk forward of successes door. Many site does seek people whoever creative especially in writing. Do write in good quality of articles is not an easy job but it’s fair enough when these sites bellow  offer you within high prices. 

    Highlights It was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned and run by their family. The magazine has no religious or organizational affiliation. Highlight will accept submission about Fiction, Rebus Stories, Verse, Nonfiction, Crafts, Finger Plays And Action Rhymes, Puzzles, Gallant Kids And Picture Puzzler. Every Topic has different price. If you are good in writing then this is a good option for try.

    Youth Today is the national trade newspaper for people who work with children and youth. Their readers are primarily professional youth workers and administrators of youth service, youth advocacy and youth policy programs. Youth Today will buy first-time publication rights along with reprint rights, but the writer is free to resell the story after publication.  When you know how to create stories like what they want, your paypal account will be fat.
    This site is dare you to write articles between 800 and 2000 words of each. Writing-world seek articles on almost every aspect of writing : fiction, nonfiction, business, the business of writing, how to get published, how to promote oneself and one's writing, and so forth. Writing-world look for articles that clearly demonstrate the author's experience and familiarity with the topic. Article must focus on how to do somethings without leaving a question  of “why”. Make sure that you are an expert in writing before do submission, otherwise will got nothing.  

    Developertutorials is more article about codes. Developer Tutorials strives to provide its users with a regular supply of cutting-edge programming and design guides keeping them up-to-date on new and emerging technologies and techniques. Code tutorials is about AJAX, ASP, CSS, Flash, Illustrator, Java, JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, PHP, Photoshop and Python. Choose one language code that you expert about and write it in very clear tutorial with no ambiguous sentences. If your brain built by codes money will come to your paypal account.

Writing is a skill which need practice over and over again until you’re on the expert level.  However bit hard to realize about when the expert level exactly come till your articles got published by newspapers or magazines. It’s always a good idea if you start to write and submit it to those sites above. 

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